The PG-URE estimator is a statistical tool that can be used to assess the performance of image denoising algorithms in presence of mixed Poisson-Gaussian noise. It was introduced in the following publication: Yoann Le Montagner, Elsa Angelini, and Jean-Christophe Olivo-Marin, … Continue reading
Category Archives: projects
Cellular Shape & Motility
Keywords: 3D biological imaging, multiple cell tracking, active contours Summary: Elucidating the mechanisms of cell deformation and motility is a topic of major interest in cell biology, for they are strongly involved in cell development, immune responses, cancer and infectious … Continue reading
Improving Single Particle Localization with an Empirically Calibrated Gaussian Kernel
Accurate computational localization of single fluorescent particles is of interest to many biophysical studies and underlies recent approaches to high resolution microscopy using photo-switchable fluorophores. The position of individual particles is typically computed by least-squares fitting of a gaussian intensity … Continue reading
Multiple spot tracking in 3D+t microscopy
We have developed a method to perform the detection and the tracking of microscopic spots directly on four dimensional (3D+t) image data. It extends our previous work by being able to detect with high accuracy multiple biological objects moving in … Continue reading
Color image analysis in histology
To characterize histopathological images stained by different colorations, we have developed a system to analyse color images. Images are segmented by a split and merge approach and by color quantization, to reduce color classes. We have also defined a criterion to choose the best color space. This method has been … Continue reading
Spot analysis in immunofluorescence images
Automatic quantification of immunofluorescence images relies either on the detection and counting of spots superimposed on biological structures, usually immersed in a non-uniform background, or on the outlining of larger cellular compartments. We have developed methods for spot detection and characterization that … Continue reading