package icy.math;

import java.awt.geom.Line2D;
import java.awt.geom.Point2D;
import java.util.Iterator;

 * Line2D iterator (iterate over Line2D points given a wanted step).
 * @author Stephane Dallongeville
public class Line2DIterator implements Iterator<Point2D>
    final static protected double DEFAULT_STEP = 1d;

    protected boolean done;
    protected int count;

    final protected Point2D pos;
    final protected Point2D last;
    protected double sx, sy;

     * Create the Line2D Iterator.
     * @param line
     *        the lien we want to iterate points
     * @param step
     *        step between each point (default = 1d)
    public Line2DIterator(Line2D line, double step)

        pos = line.getP1();
        last = line.getP2();
        done = false;

        final double dx = line.getX2() - line.getX1();
        final double dy = line.getY2() - line.getY1();
        final double adx = Math.abs(dx);
        final double ady = Math.abs(dy);

        final double adjStep = (step <= 0d) ? 1d : step;

        // step on X axis
        if (adx > ady)
            count = (int) (adx / adjStep);
            sx = adjStep;
            sy = (ady / adx) * adjStep;
        // step on Y axis
            if (ady == 0d)
                count = 0;
                sx = 0;
                count = (int) (ady / adjStep);
                sx = (adx / ady) * adjStep;
            sy = adjStep;
        // for initial position

        // reverse step if needed
        if (dx < 0)
            sx = -sx;
        if (dy < 0)
            sy = -sy;

     * Create the Line2D Iterator.
     * @param line
     *        the lien we want to iterate points
    public Line2DIterator(Line2D line)
        this(line, DEFAULT_STEP);

    public boolean hasNext()
        return !done;

    public Point2D next()
        final Point2D result = (Point2D) pos.clone();

        // done ?
        if (--count <= 0)
            // consider done only if pos is equal to last
            done = pos.equals(last);
            // force equality with last position
            pos.setLocation(pos.getX() + sx, pos.getY() + sy);

        return result;

    public void remove()
        throw new UnsupportedOperationException();