 * Copyright 2010-2015 Institut Pasteur.
 * This file is part of Icy.
 * Icy is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
 * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
 * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
 * (at your option) any later version.
 * Icy is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 * GNU General Public License for more details.
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
 * along with Icy. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
package icy.image;

import java.awt.Graphics2D;
import java.awt.Point;
import java.awt.Rectangle;
import java.awt.RenderingHints;
import java.awt.image.BufferedImage;
import java.util.List;

import javax.media.jai.BorderExtender;
import javax.media.jai.Interpolation;
import javax.media.jai.JAI;
import javax.media.jai.RenderedOp;
import javax.media.jai.operator.RotateDescriptor;
import javax.media.jai.operator.ScaleDescriptor;
import javax.swing.SwingConstants;

import icy.image.lut.LUT;
import icy.math.Scaler;
import icy.type.DataType;
import icy.type.collection.array.Array1DUtil;
import icy.type.collection.array.ArrayType;
import icy.type.collection.array.ArrayUtil;

 * {@link IcyBufferedImage} utilities class.<br>
 * You can find here tools to clone, manipulate the image data type, its size...
 * @author Stephane
public class IcyBufferedImageUtil
    public static enum FilterType

     * used for getARGBImage method (fast conversion)
    private static ARGBImageBuilder argbImageBuilder = new ARGBImageBuilder();

     * @deprecated Use {@link IcyBufferedImage#createFrom(BufferedImage)} instead.
    public static IcyBufferedImage toIcyBufferedImage(BufferedImage image)
        return IcyBufferedImage.createFrom(image);

     * @deprecated Use {@link IcyBufferedImage#createFrom(List)} instead.
    public static IcyBufferedImage toIcyBufferedImage(List<BufferedImage> images)
        return IcyBufferedImage.createFrom(images);

     * Draw the source {@link IcyBufferedImage} into the destination {@link BufferedImage}<br>
     * If <code>dest</code> is <code>null</code> then a new TYPE_INT_ARGB {@link BufferedImage} is
     * returned.<br>
     * @param source
     *        source image
     * @param dest
     *        destination image
     * @param lut
     *        {@link LUT} is used for color calculation (internal lut is used if null).
    public static BufferedImage toBufferedImage(IcyBufferedImage source, BufferedImage dest, LUT lut)
        final BufferedImage result;

        if (dest == null)
            result = new BufferedImage(source.getWidth(), source.getHeight(), BufferedImage.TYPE_INT_ARGB);
            result = dest;

        // else we need to convert to wanted type...
        final Graphics2D g = result.createGraphics();
        g.drawImage(getARGBImage(source, lut), 0, 0, null);

        return result;

     * Draw the source {@link IcyBufferedImage} into the destination {@link BufferedImage}<br>
     * If <code>dest</code> is null then a new TYPE_INT_ARGB {@link BufferedImage} is returned.
     * @param source
     *        source image
     * @param dest
     *        destination image
    public static BufferedImage toBufferedImage(IcyBufferedImage source, BufferedImage dest)
        return toBufferedImage(source, dest, null);

     * Convert the current {@link IcyBufferedImage} into a {@link BufferedImage} of the specified
     * type.
     * @param source
     *        source image
     * @param imageType
     *        wanted image type, only the following is accepted :<br>
     *        BufferedImage.TYPE_INT_ARGB<br>
     *        BufferedImage.TYPE_INT_RGB<br>
     *        BufferedImage.TYPE_BYTE_GRAY<br>
     * @param lut
     *        lut used for color calculation (source image lut is used if null)
     * @return BufferedImage
    public static BufferedImage toBufferedImage(IcyBufferedImage source, int imageType, LUT lut)
        if (source == null)
            return null;

        final BufferedImage outImg = new BufferedImage(source.getWidth(), source.getHeight(), imageType);

        toBufferedImage(source, outImg, lut);

        return outImg;

     * Convert the current {@link IcyBufferedImage} into a {@link BufferedImage} of the specified
     * type.
     * @param source
     *        source image
     * @param imageType
     *        wanted image type, only the following is accepted :<br>
     *        BufferedImage.TYPE_INT_ARGB<br>
     *        BufferedImage.TYPE_INT_RGB<br>
     *        BufferedImage.TYPE_BYTE_GRAY<br>
     * @return BufferedImage
    public static BufferedImage toBufferedImage(IcyBufferedImage source, int imageType)
        return toBufferedImage(source, imageType, null);

     * Draw the source {@link IcyBufferedImage} into the destination ARGB {@link BufferedImage}<br>
     * If <code>dest</code> is <code>null</code> then a new ARGB {@link BufferedImage} is
     * returned.<br>
     * This function is faster for ARGB conversion than
     * {@link #toBufferedImage(IcyBufferedImage, BufferedImage, LUT)}
     * but the output {@link BufferedImage} is fixed to ARGB type (TYPE_INT_ARGB) and the image
     * cannot be volatile, use {@link #toBufferedImage(IcyBufferedImage, BufferedImage, LUT)} for no
     * ARGB image or if you want volatile accelerated image.
     * @param source
     *        source image
     * @param dest
     *        destination image. Note that we access image data so it can't be volatile anymore
     *        which may result in slower drawing
     * @param lut
     *        {@link LUT} is used for color calculation (internal lut is used if null).
     * @deprecated Use {@link #toBufferedImage(IcyBufferedImage, BufferedImage, LUT)} instead.
    public static BufferedImage getARGBImage(IcyBufferedImage source, LUT lut, BufferedImage dest)
        if (source == null)
            return null;

        // use image lut when no specific lut
        if (lut == null)
            // manually update bounds if needed before doing RGB conversion from internal LUT
            if (!source.getAutoUpdateChannelBounds())

            return argbImageBuilder.buildARGBImage(source, source.createCompatibleLUT(false), dest);

        return argbImageBuilder.buildARGBImage(source, lut, dest);

     * Draw the source {@link IcyBufferedImage} into the destination ARGB {@link BufferedImage}<br>
     * If <code>dest</code> is null then a new ARGB {@link BufferedImage} is returned.<br>
     * <br>
     * This function is faster for ARGB conversion than
     * {@link #toBufferedImage(IcyBufferedImage, BufferedImage)}
     * but the output {@link BufferedImage} is fixed to ARGB type (TYPE_INT_ARGB) and the image
     * cannot be volatile, use {@link #toBufferedImage(IcyBufferedImage, BufferedImage)} for no
     * ARGB image or if you want volatile accelerated image.
     * @param source
     *        source image
     * @param dest
     *        destination image. Note that we access image data so it can't be volatile anymore
     *        which may result in slower drawing
     * @deprecated Use {@link #toBufferedImage(IcyBufferedImage, BufferedImage)} instead.
    public static BufferedImage getARGBImage(IcyBufferedImage source, BufferedImage dest)
        return getARGBImage(source, null, dest);

     * Convert the current {@link IcyBufferedImage} into a ARGB {@link BufferedImage}.<br>
     * Note that we access image data so it can't be volatile anymore which may result in slower
     * drawing.
     * @param source
     *        source image
     * @param lut
     *        {@link LUT} is used for color calculation (internal lut is used if null).
    public static BufferedImage getARGBImage(IcyBufferedImage source, LUT lut)
        if (source == null)
            return null;

        // use image lut when no specific lut
        if (lut == null)
            // manually update bounds if needed before doing RGB conversion from internal LUT
            if (!source.getAutoUpdateChannelBounds())

            return argbImageBuilder.buildARGBImage(source, source.createCompatibleLUT(false));

        return argbImageBuilder.buildARGBImage(source, lut);

     * Convert the current {@link IcyBufferedImage} into a ARGB {@link BufferedImage}.<br>
     * Note that we access image data so it can't be volatile anymore which may result in slower
     * drawing.
     * @param source
     *        source image
    public static BufferedImage getARGBImage(IcyBufferedImage source)
        return getARGBImage(source, (LUT) null);

     * Convert the source image to the specified data type.<br>
     * This method returns a new image (the source image is not modified).
     * @param source
     *        source image
     * @param dataType
     *        data type wanted
     * @param scalers
     *        scalers for scaling internal data during conversion (1 scaler per channel).<br>
     *        Can be set to <code>null</code> to avoid value conversion.
     * @return converted image
    public static IcyBufferedImage convertType(IcyBufferedImage source, DataType dataType, Scaler[] scalers)
        if (source == null)
            return null;

        final DataType srcDataType = source.getDataType_();

        // can't convert
        if ((srcDataType == null) || (srcDataType == DataType.UNDEFINED) || (dataType == null)
                || (dataType == DataType.UNDEFINED))
            return null;

        final boolean srcSigned = srcDataType.isSigned();
        final boolean dstSigned = dataType.isSigned();
        final int sizeC = source.getSizeC();
        final IcyBufferedImage result = new IcyBufferedImage(source.getSizeX(), source.getSizeY(), sizeC, dataType);

        for (int c = 0; c < sizeC; c++)
            // no rescale ?
            if ((scalers == null) || (c >= scalers.length) || scalers[c].isNull())
                // simple type change
                ArrayUtil.arrayToSafeArray(source.getDataXY(c), result.getDataXY(c), srcSigned, dstSigned);
                // first we convert in double
                final double[] darray = Array1DUtil.arrayToDoubleArray(source.getDataXY(c), srcSigned);
                // then we scale data
                // and finally we convert in wanted datatype
                Array1DUtil.doubleArrayToSafeArray(darray, result.getDataXY(c), dstSigned);

        // copy colormap from source image
        // notify we modified data

        return result;

     * @deprecated Use {@link #convertType(IcyBufferedImage, DataType, Scaler[])} instead.
    public static IcyBufferedImage convertToType(IcyBufferedImage source, DataType dataType, Scaler scaler)
        if (source == null)
            return null;

        final DataType srcDataType = source.getDataType_();

        // can't convert
        if ((srcDataType == DataType.UNDEFINED) || (dataType == DataType.UNDEFINED))
            return null;

        final boolean srcSigned = srcDataType.isSigned();
        final boolean dstSigned = dataType.isSigned();
        final int sizeC = source.getSizeC();
        final IcyBufferedImage result = new IcyBufferedImage(source.getSizeX(), source.getSizeY(), sizeC, dataType);

        for (int c = 0; c < sizeC; c++)
            // no rescale ?
            if ((scaler == null) || scaler.isNull())
                // simple type change
                ArrayUtil.arrayToSafeArray(source.getDataXY(c), result.getDataXY(c), srcSigned, dstSigned);
                // first we convert in double
                final double[] darray = Array1DUtil.arrayToDoubleArray(source.getDataXY(c), srcSigned);
                // then we scale data
                // and finally we convert in wanted datatype
                Array1DUtil.doubleArrayToSafeArray(darray, result.getDataXY(c), dstSigned);

        // copy colormap from source image
        // notify we modified data

        return result;

     * Convert the source image to the specified data type.<br>
     * This method returns a new image (the source image is not modified).
     * @param dataType
     *        Data type wanted
     * @param rescale
     *        Indicate if we want to scale data value according to data (or data type) range
     * @param useDataBounds
     *        Only used when <code>rescale</code> parameter is true.<br>
     *        Specify if we use the data bounds for rescaling instead of data type bounds.
     * @return converted image
    public static IcyBufferedImage convertToType(IcyBufferedImage source, DataType dataType, boolean rescale,
            boolean useDataBounds)
        if (source == null)
            return null;

        if (!rescale)
            return convertType(source, dataType, null);

        // convert with rescale
        final double boundsDst[] = dataType.getDefaultBounds();
        final int sizeC = source.getSizeC();
        final Scaler[] scalers = new Scaler[sizeC];

        // build scalers
        for (int c = 0; c < sizeC; c++)
            final double boundsSrc[];

            if (useDataBounds)
                boundsSrc = source.getChannelBounds(c);
                boundsSrc = source.getChannelTypeBounds(c);

            scalers[c] = new Scaler(boundsSrc[0], boundsSrc[1], boundsDst[0], boundsDst[1], false);

        // use scaler to scale data
        return convertType(source, dataType, scalers);

     * Convert the source image to the specified data type.<br>
     * This method returns a new image (the source image is not modified).
     * @param dataType
     *        data type wanted
     * @param rescale
     *        indicate if we want to scale data value according to data type range
     * @return converted image
    public static IcyBufferedImage convertToType(IcyBufferedImage source, DataType dataType, boolean rescale)
        return convertToType(source, dataType, rescale, false);

     * Create a copy of the specified image.
    public static IcyBufferedImage getCopy(IcyBufferedImage source)
        if (source == null)
            return null;

        // create a compatible image
        final IcyBufferedImage result = new IcyBufferedImage(source.getSizeX(), source.getSizeY(), source.getSizeC(),
        // copy data from this image

        return result;

     * Creates a new image from the specified region of the source image.
    public static IcyBufferedImage getSubImage(IcyBufferedImage source, Rectangle region, int c, int sizeC)
        if (source == null)
            return null;

        final int startX;
        final int endX;
        final int startY;
        final int endY;
        final int startC;
        final int endC;

        // infinite X dimension ?
        if ((region.x == Integer.MIN_VALUE) && (region.width == Integer.MAX_VALUE))
            startX = 0;
            endX = source.getSizeX();
            startX = Math.max(0, region.x);
            endX = Math.min(source.getSizeX(), region.x + region.width);
        // infinite Y dimension ?
        if ((region.y == Integer.MIN_VALUE) && (region.height == Integer.MAX_VALUE))
            startY = 0;
            endY = source.getSizeY();
            startY = Math.max(0, region.y);
            endY = Math.min(source.getSizeY(), region.y + region.height);
        // infinite C dimension ?
        if ((c == Integer.MIN_VALUE) && (sizeC == Integer.MAX_VALUE))
            startC = 0;
            endC = source.getSizeC();
            startC = Math.max(0, c);
            endC = Math.min(source.getSizeC(), c + sizeC);

        final int sizeX = endX - startX;
        final int sizeY = endY - startY;
        final int adjSizeC = endC - startC;

        if ((sizeX <= 0) || (sizeY <= 0) || (adjSizeC <= 0))
            return null;

        // adjust rectangle
        final DataType dataType = source.getDataType_();
        final boolean signed = dataType.isSigned();

        final IcyBufferedImage result = new IcyBufferedImage(sizeX, sizeY, adjSizeC, dataType);

        final int srcSizeX = source.getSizeX();

        for (int ch = startC; ch < endC; ch++)
            final Object src = source.getDataXY(ch);
            final Object dst = result.getDataXY(ch - startC);

            int srcOffset = source.getOffset(startX, startY);
            int dstOffset = 0;

            for (int curY = 0; curY < sizeY; curY++)
                Array1DUtil.arrayToArray(src, srcOffset, dst, dstOffset, sizeX, signed);
                srcOffset += srcSizeX;
                dstOffset += sizeX;


        return result;

     * Creates a new image which is a sub part of the source image from the specified region.
     * @see #getSubImage(IcyBufferedImage, Rectangle, int, int)
    public static IcyBufferedImage getSubImage(IcyBufferedImage source, Rectangle region)
        return getSubImage(source, region, 0, source.getSizeC());

     * @deprecated Use {@link #getSubImage(IcyBufferedImage, Rectangle, int, int)} instead.
    public static IcyBufferedImage getSubImage(IcyBufferedImage source, int x, int y, int c, int sizeX, int sizeY,
            int sizeC)
        return getSubImage(source, new Rectangle(x, y, sizeX, sizeY), c, sizeC);

     * Creates a new image which is a sub part of the source image from the specified
     * coordinates and dimensions.
    public static IcyBufferedImage getSubImage(IcyBufferedImage source, int x, int y, int w, int h)
        return getSubImage(source, new Rectangle(x, y, w, h), 0, source.getSizeC());

     * Build a new single channel image (greyscale) from the specified source image channel.
    public static IcyBufferedImage extractChannel(IcyBufferedImage source, int channel)
        return extractChannels(source, channel);

     * @deprecated Use {@link #extractChannels(IcyBufferedImage, int[])} instead.
    public static IcyBufferedImage extractChannels(IcyBufferedImage source, List<Integer> channelNumbers)
        if (source == null)
            return null;

        // create output
        final IcyBufferedImage result = new IcyBufferedImage(source.getSizeX(), source.getSizeY(),
                channelNumbers.size(), source.getDataType_());
        final int sizeC = source.getSizeC();

        // set data from specified band
        for (int i = 0; i < channelNumbers.size(); i++)
            final int channel = channelNumbers.get(i).intValue();

            if (channel < sizeC)
                result.setDataXY(i, source.getDataXY(channel));

        return result;

     * Build a new image from the specified source image channels.
    public static IcyBufferedImage extractChannels(IcyBufferedImage source, int... channels)
        if ((source == null) || (channels == null) || (channels.length == 0))
            return null;

        // create output
        final IcyBufferedImage result = new IcyBufferedImage(source.getSizeX(), source.getSizeY(), channels.length,
        final int sizeC = source.getSizeC();

        // set data from specified band
        for (int i = 0; i < channels.length; i++)
            final int channel = channels[i];

            if (channel < sizeC)
                result.setDataXY(i, source.getDataXY(channel));

        return result;

     * Add empty channel(s) to the specified image and return result as a new image.
     * @param source
     *        source image.
     * @param index
     *        position where we want to add channel(s).
     * @param num
     *        number of channel(s) to add.
    public static IcyBufferedImage addChannels(IcyBufferedImage source, int index, int num)
        if (source == null)
            return null;

        final IcyBufferedImage result = new IcyBufferedImage(source.getSizeX(), source.getSizeY(),
                source.getSizeC() + num, source.getDataType_());

        for (int c = 0; c < index; c++)
            result.copyData(source, c, c);
        for (int c = index; c < source.getSizeC(); c++)
            result.copyData(source, c, c + num);

        return result;

     * Add an empty channel to the specified image and return result as a new image.
     * @param source
     *        source image.
     * @param index
     *        position where we want to add channel.
    public static IcyBufferedImage addChannel(IcyBufferedImage source, int index)
        return addChannels(source, index, 1);

     * Add an empty channel to the specified image and return result as a new image.
     * @param source
     *        source image.
    public static IcyBufferedImage addChannel(IcyBufferedImage source)
        return addChannels(source, source.getSizeC(), 1);

     * Return a rotated version of the source image with specified parameters.
     * @param source
     *        source image
     * @param xOrigin
     *        X origin for the rotation
     * @param yOrigin
     *        Y origin for the rotation
     * @param angle
     *        rotation angle in radian
     * @param filterType
     *        filter resampling method used
    public static IcyBufferedImage rotate(IcyBufferedImage source, double xOrigin, double yOrigin, double angle,
            FilterType filterType)
        if (source == null)
            return null;

        final Interpolation interpolation;

        switch (filterType)
            case NEAREST:
                interpolation = Interpolation.getInstance(Interpolation.INTERP_NEAREST);

            case BILINEAR:
                interpolation = Interpolation.getInstance(Interpolation.INTERP_BILINEAR);

            case BICUBIC:
                interpolation = Interpolation.getInstance(Interpolation.INTERP_BICUBIC);

        // use JAI scaler (use a copy to avoid source alteration)
        final RenderedOp renderedOp = RotateDescriptor.create(getCopy(source), Float.valueOf((float) xOrigin),
                Float.valueOf((float) yOrigin), Float.valueOf((float) angle), interpolation, null,
                new RenderingHints(JAI.KEY_BORDER_EXTENDER, BorderExtender.createInstance(BorderExtender.BORDER_ZERO)));

        return IcyBufferedImage.createFrom(renderedOp, source.isSignedDataType());

     * Return a rotated version of the source image with specified parameters.
     * @param source
     *        source image
     * @param angle
     *        rotation angle in radian
     * @param filterType
     *        filter resampling method used
    public static IcyBufferedImage rotate(IcyBufferedImage source, double angle, FilterType filterType)
        if (source == null)
            return null;

        return rotate(source, source.getSizeX() / 2d, source.getSizeY() / 2d, angle, filterType);

     * Return a rotated version of the source image with specified parameters.
     * @param source
     *        source image
     * @param angle
     *        rotation angle in radian
    public static IcyBufferedImage rotate(IcyBufferedImage source, double angle)
        if (source == null)
            return null;

        return rotate(source, source.getSizeX() / 2d, source.getSizeY() / 2d, angle, FilterType.BILINEAR);

     * Returns a down scaled by a factor of 2 of the input image data (X and Y resolution are
     * divided by 2).<br>
     * This function is specifically optimized for factor 2 down scaling.
     * @param input
     *        input image byte data array
     * @param sizeX
     *        width of source image
     * @param sizeY
     *        height of source image
     * @param signed
     *        consider input byte data as signed (only meaningful when filter is enabled)
     * @param filter
     *        enable pixel blending for better representation of the down sampled result image
     *        (otherwise nearest
     *        neighbor is used)
     * @param output
     *        output buffer (single dimension array with same data type as source image data array).
    static void downscaleBy2(byte[] input, int sizeX, int sizeY, boolean signed, boolean filter, byte[] output)
        final int halfSizeX = sizeX / 2;
        final int halfSizeY = sizeY / 2;

        if (filter)
            int inOff = 0;
            int outOff = 0;

            for (int y = 0; y < halfSizeY; y++)
                for (int x = 0, inOffset = inOff; x < halfSizeX; x++, inOffset += 2)
                    int val;

                    if (signed)
                        // accumulate 4 pixels
                        val = input[inOffset + 0];
                        val += input[inOffset + 1];
                        val += input[inOffset + sizeX + 0];
                        val += input[inOffset + sizeX + 1];
                        // accumulate 4 pixels
                        val = input[inOffset + 0] & 0xFF;
                        val += input[inOffset + 1] & 0xFF;
                        val += input[inOffset + sizeX + 0] & 0xFF;
                        val += input[inOffset + sizeX + 1] & 0xFF;

                    // divide by 4
                    val >>= 2;

                    // store result
                    output[outOff++] = (byte) val;

                inOff += sizeX * 2;
            int inOff = 0;
            int outOff = 0;

            for (int y = 0; y < halfSizeY; y++)
                for (int x = 0, inOffset = inOff; x < halfSizeX; x++, inOffset += 2)
                    output[outOff++] = input[inOffset];

                inOff += sizeX * 2;

     * Returns a down scaled by a factor of 2 of the input image data (X and Y resolution are
     * divided by 2).<br>
     * This function is specifically optimized for factor 2 down scaling.
     * @param input
     *        input image byte data array
     * @param sizeX
     *        width of source image
     * @param sizeY
     *        height of source image
     * @param signed
     *        consider input byte data as signed (only meaningful when filter is enabled)
     * @param filter
     *        enable pixel blending for better representation of the down sampled result image
     *        (otherwise nearest
     *        neighbor is used)
     * @param output
     *        output buffer (single dimension array with same data type as source image data array).
    static void downscaleBy2(short[] input, int sizeX, int sizeY, boolean signed, boolean filter, short[] output)
        final int halfSizeX = sizeX / 2;
        final int halfSizeY = sizeY / 2;

        if (filter)
            int inOff = 0;
            int outOff = 0;

            for (int y = 0; y < halfSizeY; y++)
                for (int x = 0, inOffset = inOff; x < halfSizeX; x++, inOffset += 2)
                    int val;

                    if (signed)
                        // accumulate 4 pixels
                        val = input[inOffset + 0];
                        val += input[inOffset + 1];
                        val += input[inOffset + sizeX + 0];
                        val += input[inOffset + sizeX + 1];
                        // accumulate 4 pixels
                        val = input[inOffset + 0] & 0xFFFF;
                        val += input[inOffset + 1] & 0xFFFF;
                        val += input[inOffset + sizeX + 0] & 0xFFFF;
                        val += input[inOffset + sizeX + 1] & 0xFFFF;

                    // divide by 4
                    val >>= 2;

                    // store result
                    output[outOff++] = (short) val;

                inOff += sizeX * 2;
            int inOff = 0;
            int outOff = 0;

            for (int y = 0; y < halfSizeY; y++)
                for (int x = 0, inOffset = inOff; x < halfSizeX; x++, inOffset += 2)
                    output[outOff++] = input[inOffset];

                inOff += sizeX * 2;

     * Returns a down scaled by a factor of 2 of the input image data (X and Y resolution are
     * divided by 2).<br>
     * This function is specifically optimized for factor 2 down scaling.
     * @param input
     *        input image byte data array
     * @param sizeX
     *        width of source image
     * @param sizeY
     *        height of source image
     * @param signed
     *        consider input byte data as signed (only meaningful when filter is enabled)
     * @param filter
     *        enable pixel blending for better representation of the down sampled result image
     *        (otherwise nearest
     *        neighbor is used)
     * @param output
     *        output buffer (single dimension array with same data type as source image data array).
    static void downscaleBy2(int[] input, int sizeX, int sizeY, boolean signed, boolean filter, int[] output)
        final int halfSizeX = sizeX / 2;
        final int halfSizeY = sizeY / 2;

        if (filter)
            int inOff = 0;
            int outOff = 0;

            for (int y = 0; y < halfSizeY; y++)
                for (int x = 0, inOffset = inOff; x < halfSizeX; x++, inOffset += 2)
                    long val;

                    if (signed)
                        // accumulate 4 pixels
                        val = input[inOffset + 0];
                        val += input[inOffset + 1];
                        val += input[inOffset + sizeX + 0];
                        val += input[inOffset + sizeX + 1];
                        // accumulate 4 pixels
                        val = input[inOffset + 0] & 0xFFFFFFFFL;
                        val += input[inOffset + 1] & 0xFFFFFFFFL;
                        val += input[inOffset + sizeX + 0] & 0xFFFFFFFFL;
                        val += input[inOffset + sizeX + 1] & 0xFFFFFFFFL;

                    // divide by 4
                    val >>= 2;

                    // store result
                    output[outOff++] = (int) val;

                inOff += sizeX * 2;
            int inOff = 0;
            int outOff = 0;

            for (int y = 0; y < halfSizeY; y++)
                for (int x = 0, inOffset = inOff; x < halfSizeX; x++, inOffset += 2)
                    output[outOff++] = input[inOffset];

                inOff += sizeX * 2;

     * Returns a down scaled by a factor of 2 of the input image data (X and Y resolution are
     * divided by 2).<br>
     * This function is specifically optimized for factor 2 down scaling.
     * @param input
     *        input image byte data array
     * @param sizeX
     *        width of source image
     * @param sizeY
     *        height of source image
     * @param filter
     *        enable pixel blending for better representation of the down sampled result image
     *        (otherwise nearest
     *        neighbor is used)
     * @param output
     *        output buffer (single dimension array with same data type as source image data array).
    static void downscaleBy2(float[] input, int sizeX, int sizeY, boolean filter, float[] output)
        final int halfSizeX = sizeX / 2;
        final int halfSizeY = sizeY / 2;

        if (filter)
            int inOff = 0;
            int outOff = 0;

            for (int y = 0; y < halfSizeY; y++)
                for (int x = 0, inOffset = inOff; x < halfSizeX; x++, inOffset += 2)
                    float val;

                    // accumulate 4 pixels
                    val = input[inOffset + 0];
                    val += input[inOffset + 1];
                    val += input[inOffset + sizeX + 0];
                    val += input[inOffset + sizeX + 1];
                    // divide by 4
                    val /= 4f;

                    // store result
                    output[outOff++] = val;

                inOff += sizeX * 2;
            int inOff = 0;
            int outOff = 0;

            for (int y = 0; y < halfSizeY; y++)
                for (int x = 0, inOffset = inOff; x < halfSizeX; x++, inOffset += 2)
                    output[outOff++] = input[inOffset];

                inOff += sizeX * 2;

     * Returns a down scaled by a factor of 2 of the input image data (X and Y resolution are
     * divided by 2).<br>
     * This function is specifically optimized for factor 2 down scaling.
     * @param input
     *        input image byte data array
     * @param sizeX
     *        width of source image
     * @param sizeY
     *        height of source image
     * @param filter
     *        enable pixel blending for better representation of the down sampled result image
     *        (otherwise nearest
     *        neighbor is used)
     * @param output
     *        output buffer (single dimension array with same data type as source image data array).
    static void downscaleBy2(double[] input, int sizeX, int sizeY, boolean filter, double[] output)
        final int halfSizeX = sizeX / 2;
        final int halfSizeY = sizeY / 2;

        if (filter)
            int inOff = 0;
            int outOff = 0;

            for (int y = 0; y < halfSizeY; y++)
                for (int x = 0, inOffset = inOff; x < halfSizeX; x++, inOffset += 2)
                    double val;

                    // accumulate 4 pixels
                    val = input[inOffset + 0];
                    val += input[inOffset + 1];
                    val += input[inOffset + sizeX + 0];
                    val += input[inOffset + sizeX + 1];
                    // divide by 4
                    val /= 4d;

                    // store result
                    output[outOff++] = val;

                inOff += sizeX * 2;
            int inOff = 0;
            int outOff = 0;

            for (int y = 0; y < halfSizeY; y++)
                for (int x = 0, inOffset = inOff; x < halfSizeX; x++, inOffset += 2)
                    output[outOff++] = input[inOffset];

                inOff += sizeX * 2;

     * Returns a down scaled by a factor of 2 of the input image data (X and Y resolution are
     * divided by 2).<br>
     * This function is specifically optimized for factor 2 down scaling.
     * @param input
     *        input image data array (single dimension)
     * @param sizeX
     *        width of source image
     * @param sizeY
     *        height of source image
     * @param signed
     *        consider input byte data as signed (only meaningful when filter is enabled)
     * @param filter
     *        enable pixel blending for better representation of the down sampled result image
     *        (otherwise nearest
     *        neighbor is used)
     * @param output
     *        output buffer (single dimension array with same data type as source image data array).
     *        If set to <code>null</code> a new array is allocated.
     * @return output buffer containing the down scaled version of input image data.
    public static Object downscaleBy2(Object input, int sizeX, int sizeY, boolean signed, boolean filter, Object output)
        if (input == null)
            return output;

        final ArrayType arrayType = ArrayUtil.getArrayType(input);
        final Object result = ArrayUtil.allocIfNull(output, arrayType, (sizeX / 2) * (sizeY / 2));

        switch (arrayType.getDataType().getJavaType())
            case BYTE:
                downscaleBy2((byte[]) input, sizeX, sizeY, signed, filter, (byte[]) result);

            case SHORT:
                downscaleBy2((short[]) input, sizeX, sizeY, signed, filter, (short[]) result);

            case INT:
                downscaleBy2((int[]) input, sizeX, sizeY, signed, filter, (int[]) result);

            case FLOAT:
                downscaleBy2((float[]) input, sizeX, sizeY, filter, (float[]) result);

            case DOUBLE:
                downscaleBy2((double[]) input, sizeX, sizeY, filter, (double[]) result);

        return result;

     * Returns a down scaled by a factor of 2 of the input image data (X and Y resolution are
     * divided by 2).<br>
     * This function is specifically optimized for factor 2 down scaling.
     * @param input
     *        input image data array (single dimension)
     * @param sizeX
     *        width of source image
     * @param sizeY
     *        height of source image
     * @param signed
     *        consider input byte data as signed (only meaningful when filter is enabled)
     * @param filter
     *        enable pixel blending for better representation of the down sampled result image
     *        (otherwise nearest
     *        neighbor is used)
     * @return output buffer containing the down scaled version of input image data.
    public static Object downscaleBy2(Object input, int sizeX, int sizeY, boolean signed, boolean filter)
        return downscaleBy2(input, sizeX, sizeY, signed, filter, null);

     * Returns a down scaled by a factor of 2 of the input image (X and Y resolution are divided by
     * 2).<br>
     * This function is specifically optimized for factor 2 down scaling.
     * @param input
     *        input image
     * @param filter
     *        enable pixel blending for better representation of the down sampled result image
     *        (otherwise nearest
     *        neighbor is used)
     * @param output
     *        output image receiving the result (should be of same type as input image with X and Y
     *        resolution divided
     *        by 2). If set to <code>null</code> a new image is created.
    public static IcyBufferedImage downscaleBy2(IcyBufferedImage input, boolean filter, IcyBufferedImage output)
        if (input == null)
            return output;

        final IcyBufferedImage result;
        final int sizeX = input.getSizeX();
        final int sizeY = input.getSizeY();
        final int sizeC = input.getSizeC();

        if (output != null)
            result = output;
            // create an empty image with specified size and current colormodel description
            result = new IcyBufferedImage(sizeX / 2, sizeY / 2, input.getIcyColorModel());

        for (int c = 0; c < sizeC; c++)
            downscaleBy2(input.getDataXY(c), sizeX, sizeY, input.isSignedDataType(), filter, result.getDataXY(c));

        return result;

     * Returns a down scaled by a factor of 2 of the input image (X and Y resolution are divided by
     * 2).<br>
     * This function is specifically optimized for factor 2 down scaling.
     * @param input
     *        input image
     * @param filter
     *        enable pixel blending for better representation of the down sampled result image
     *        (otherwise nearest
     *        neighbor is used)
    public static IcyBufferedImage downscaleBy2(IcyBufferedImage input, boolean filter)
        return downscaleBy2(input, filter, null);

     * Return a copy of the source image with specified size, alignment rules and filter type.
     * @param source
     *        source image
     * @param resizeContent
     *        indicate if content should be resized or not (empty area are 0 filled)
     * @param xAlign
     *        horizontal image alignment (SwingConstants.LEFT / CENTER / RIGHT)<br>
     *        (used only if resizeContent is false)
     * @param yAlign
     *        vertical image alignment (SwingConstants.TOP / CENTER / BOTTOM)<br>
     *        (used only if resizeContent is false)
     * @param filterType
     *        filter method used for scale (used only if resizeContent is true)
    public static IcyBufferedImage scale(IcyBufferedImage source, int width, int height, boolean resizeContent,
            int xAlign, int yAlign, FilterType filterType)
        if (source == null)
            return null;

        final IcyBufferedImage result;
        final int srcW = source.getWidth();
        final int srcH = source.getHeight();
        final boolean resize = resizeContent && ((width != srcW) || (height != srcH));

        // no content resize ?
        if (!resize)
            final int xt;
            final int yt;

            // calculate translation values
            final int dx = width - srcW;
            switch (xAlign)
                case SwingConstants.LEFT:
                    xt = 0;

                case SwingConstants.CENTER:
                    xt = dx / 2;

                case SwingConstants.RIGHT:
                    xt = dx;

            final int dy = height - srcH;
            switch (yAlign)
                case SwingConstants.TOP:
                    yt = 0;

                case SwingConstants.CENTER:
                    yt = dy / 2;

                case SwingConstants.BOTTOM:
                    yt = dy;

            // create an empty image with specified size and current colormodel description
            result = new IcyBufferedImage(width, height, source.getIcyColorModel());
            // copy data from current image to specified destination
            result.copyData(source, null, new Point(xt, yt));
            final Float xScale = Float.valueOf((float) width / srcW);
            final Float yScale = Float.valueOf((float) height / srcH);
            final Interpolation interpolation;

            switch (filterType)
                case NEAREST:
                    interpolation = Interpolation.getInstance(Interpolation.INTERP_NEAREST);

                case BILINEAR:
                    interpolation = Interpolation.getInstance(Interpolation.INTERP_BILINEAR);

                case BICUBIC:
                    interpolation = Interpolation.getInstance(Interpolation.INTERP_BICUBIC);

            // use JAI scaler (use a copy to avoid source alteration)
            final RenderedOp renderedOp = ScaleDescriptor.create(getCopy(source), xScale, yScale, Float.valueOf(0f),
                    Float.valueOf(0f), interpolation, new RenderingHints(JAI.KEY_BORDER_EXTENDER,

            result = IcyBufferedImage.createFrom(renderedOp, source.isSignedDataType());

        return result;

     * Return a copy of the image with specified size.<br>
     * By default the FilterType.BILINEAR is used as filter method if resizeContent is true
     * @param source
     *        source image
     * @param resizeContent
     *        indicate if content should be resized or not (empty area are 0 filled)
     * @param xAlign
     *        horizontal image alignment (SwingConstants.LEFT / CENTER / RIGHT)<br>
     *        (used only if resizeContent is false)
     * @param yAlign
     *        vertical image alignment (SwingConstants.TOP / CENTER / BOTTOM)<br>
     *        (used only if resizeContent is false)
    public static IcyBufferedImage scale(IcyBufferedImage source, int width, int height, boolean resizeContent,
            int xAlign, int yAlign)
        return scale(source, width, height, resizeContent, xAlign, yAlign, FilterType.BILINEAR);

     * Return a copy of the image with specified size<br>
     * @param source
     *        source image
     * @param filterType
     *        filter method used for scale (used only if resizeContent is true)
    public static IcyBufferedImage scale(IcyBufferedImage source, int width, int height, FilterType filterType)
        return scale(source, width, height, true, 0, 0, filterType);

     * Return a copy of the image with specified size.<br>
     * By default the FilterType.BILINEAR is used as filter method.
    public static IcyBufferedImage scale(IcyBufferedImage source, int width, int height)
        return scale(source, width, height, FilterType.BILINEAR);

     * Translate image internal data of specified channel by the specified (x,y) vector.<br>
     * Data going "outside" image bounds is lost.
    public static void translate(IcyBufferedImage source, int dx, int dy, int channel)
        if (source == null)

        // nothing to do
        if ((dx == 0) && (dy == 0))

        final int sizeX = source.getSizeX();
        final int sizeY = source.getSizeY();

        // limit to sizeX / sizeY
        final int adx = Math.min(Math.max(-sizeX, dx), sizeX);
        final int ady = Math.min(Math.max(-sizeY, dy), sizeY);

        final int fromFill;
        final int toFill;
        final int fromCopy;
        final int toCopy;
        final int wCopy;

        if (adx < 0)
            fromCopy = -adx;
            toCopy = 0;
            wCopy = sizeX + adx;
            fromFill = wCopy;
            toFill = sizeX;
            fromFill = 0;
            toFill = adx;
            fromCopy = fromFill;
            toCopy = toFill;
            wCopy = sizeX - adx;

        final Object data = source.getDataXY(channel);

        if (ady < 0)
            final int hCopy = sizeY + ady;
            int toOffset = 0;
            int fromOffset = -ady * sizeX;

            // copy
            for (int y = 0; y < hCopy; y++)
                // copy first
                Array1DUtil.innerCopy(data, fromOffset + fromCopy, toOffset + toCopy, wCopy);
                // then fill
                Array1DUtil.fill(data, toOffset + fromFill, toOffset + toFill, 0d);
                // adjust offset
                fromOffset += sizeX;
                toOffset += sizeX;
            // fill
            Array1DUtil.fill(data, toOffset, fromOffset, 0d);
            final int hCopy = sizeY - ady;
            int toOffset = (sizeY - 1) * sizeX;
            int fromOffset = toOffset - (ady * sizeX);

            // copy
            for (int y = 0; y < hCopy; y++)
                // copy first
                Array1DUtil.innerCopy(data, fromOffset + fromCopy, toOffset + toCopy, wCopy);
                // then fill
                Array1DUtil.fill(data, toOffset + fromFill, toOffset + toFill, 0d);
                // adjust offset
                fromOffset -= sizeX;
                toOffset -= sizeX;
            // fill
            Array1DUtil.fill(data, 0, 0 + (ady * sizeX), 0d);

        // notify data changed

     * Translate image internal data (all channels) by the specified (x,y) vector.<br>
     * Data going "outside" image bounds is lost.
    public static void translate(IcyBufferedImage source, int dx, int dy)
        if (source != null)
            final int sizeC = source.getSizeC();

                for (int c = 0; c < sizeC; c++)
                    translate(source, dx, dy, c);